Monday, October 09, 2006

Sleep Deprivation

I awoke last night to hear my husband reading "Goodnight Moon" to our daughter and I was genuinely thankful in my heart to know that he had heard Sarah before I had and was letting me sleep. That was at 1:30. He lulled her to sleep but then about an hour later, she awoke again. Then I took my turn and after a video, a couple of books, and a bottle, we were back to bed around 4:30 am. Then around 5:45, Sarah screamed apparently from either a night terror or teething. She just needed to be held close and with some gentle swaying, she fell back into a deep sleep. We slept until 8:30am and then thankfully were able to take a nap from 12 to 3pm! So the day has not been very productive, but is that the same thing as useful? How funny that this night and day has followed this course as I had began to make some resolutions about becoming more 'useful'.

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