Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Yesterday, my writing finally began at 2:30 pm and by the time I needed to pick up Sarah, I had written 2-3 additional pages. Today, I realized I needed to install MS Word 2007 on our desktop computer in order to read the new files I've created for my dissertation. (Tom is off work for the rest of the week and wanted to use the laptop that has Word 2007 installed.) So I spent some work time making that transition. Unfortunately, I didn't write anything today. I did read a little bit of Greek from Mark and II Timothy. My Greek recognition is definitely much better than a few years ago and that is an encouragement. Last night, I found a dissertation support group online that I've decided to use on a limited time basis. It's at and for $70 I will be a part of a group of people writing their dissertations, committing to writing at least a little five days a week, sharing strategies, encouraging each other online, and one coaching call. It's worth checking out and I'm hoping it will fuel more progress. I've definitely been realizing already that the hardest part about writing is sitting down and starting. The other key is planning out my work so I know what's next. These are the two things I want to work on in the short term. In the long term, I need to figure out the overall plan, i.e. what's needed to get the dissertation completed in 2009!

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